This Game Does not Use any OGL Materials

Edit: With Paizo's announcement of the Open RPG Creative License (ORC), this post is obsolete, but the intent and the meaning still stands. Whatever happens, this game will be OPEN.

Star Fall uses absolutely no content from the 3.0, 3.5, or 5.0 System Reference Documents. This was not a decision based on what's going on with Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, and the tabletop community. This game has been in the works for two or three years and did not start with the intention of making something like this. It began as an early effort to create something completely new and entirely my own. It was to be my own system, made from the ground up. It was to be played among me and my friends. It has grown, and while the game's lore and setting remain mostly unchanged, the gameplay is unrecognizable from my early attempts.

What the fiasco with the OGL 1.1 has inspired me to do is to go public, and offer this to the gaming community as a product available to everyone. There's something else Hasbro's greed has convinced me to do. It's not something I ever considered, so it will be a long time off. I probably won't even start until after I've released the game. I'm going to create Star Fall's own Open Game License and System Reference Document. Unlike Hasbro, I want this community to grow and to prosper.

So remember, keep the Wah'ri in your sights, a wingman at your side, and the peacekeepers in your exhaust.

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