A downloadable game

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The 80s and the 90s were the first really big decades for tabletop role-playing games, thanks in no small part to the Satanic Panic. Thanks to books like Mazes and Monsters, games like Dungeons & Dragons became household names due to the imminent threat of demonic possession that came part and parcel with handling cheap, plastic dice. I didn't make this game about that (although, after having written that, I sort of regret it because that could actually be a neat idea). NO! This game is about those of us that ignored that bullshit, cracked open a Player's Handbook, and cast magic missile, Tasha's hideous laughter, and fireball anyway!

Disclaimer: This IS a straight-forward RPG made in RPG Maker, but it is presented as a tabletop RPG, the story beginning with five average people gathering in someone's finished basement to play a session of a popular, fictional TTRPG called Adventure Unlimited.

While one directs the game as the Game Master, or GM, the other four will select characters--you have 12 to choose from--and the action will move to a fantasy world and they will take on the personas of the four characters they choose, occasionally breaking character to ask the GM rules questions.

This game takes its assets from the following:

[list][li]First Seed Materials/REFMAP[/li]

[li]RPG Maker MV Character Generator[/li]

[li]RPG Maker XP Battlebacks[/li]

[li]Free Resources provided by members of the community[/li]

[li]The RMN Music Pack[/li]

[li]My own music[/li]

[li]My own graphic edits of the already existing material[/li][/list]


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Adventure Unlimited.zip 54 MB

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